
Showing posts from September, 2020

My Movie Shots

 The movie I chose to watch was Toy Story. This movie was filled with tons of different camera shots and angles and was also a good movie to sit down and watch.                                            This was what I believe is an establishing shot, although                                              it didn't include a mountain or a waterfall, this scene is                                              what puts the movie into play.                                             This was a follow shot showing Andy playing around                                             with Woody. I thought this was a funny shot because                                             the toys in this movie have to put up with being thrown around                                             and constantly played with.                                             This was an eye-level shot featuring Woody watch                                              Andy and his mom set up for his upcoming party

Storyboard Comments

When I was searching for different shots to comment on I decided on choosing Miguel and Luca. Luca's Shots: Your Cameo shot made me feel as if I were with your brother and as if I were in the same room as him, also I can almost feel his excitement. Your Extreme Close-up shot shows almost every detail in your brothers face. Your eye level shot made me feel as if I was looking right at your brother and it also gives me a sense of his emotions. Miguel's Shots:  I enjoyed watching your two shot because it made me feel as if I were currently with your subjects and I was a part of their friend group. I enjoyed your POV shot because it made me feel as if I were the one being kicked and I also enjoyed this because I believed that it was one of your funnier shots. For the extreme close up shot I could also relate to the fact that it was difficult trying to keep the camera still but I believe that you did a good job in doing so.

What wonderful shots!

                                             This shot was a cameo shot, with my door as the stable                                                background.                                                                                          This was a full shot which was also very easy because                                               my dog would do anything for a treat.                                             This was a close up shot which was pretty easy because                                              I put a treat in my hand with the camera so she would                                              put her eyes facing the phone.                                             This was a tilt shot which was really easy and                                               probably was the quickest to make.                                             This was a head on shot that I had captured which                                              was pretty easy because I jus

Jovani's Blog

 I chose this class due to the fact that I would be receiving an AICE credit. Also I selected this class because of my interest in movies and in technology, I would like to make the most out of the knowledge learned from this class.