What wonderful shots!

                                             This shot was a cameo shot, with my door as the stable 
                                             This was a full shot which was also very easy because
                                              my dog would do anything for a treat.
                                            This was a close up shot which was pretty easy because
                                             I put a treat in my hand with the camera so she would
                                             put her eyes facing the phone.
                                            This was a tilt shot which was really easy and 
                                             probably was the quickest to make.
                                            This was a head on shot that I had captured which
                                             was pretty easy because I just made my dog come
                                             and retrieve her treat.
                                            This was a low angle shot which was the most difficult
                                             one because it was hard trying to make her look down
                                             at the camera and still manage to angle the camera
                                           This was a high angle shot which was pretty easy
                                            because all I had to do was put a treat in the air.
                                            This was an extreme close up shot which was somewhat
                                           difficult to make with my dog but she ended up complying
                                            after she was rewarded with a treat.
                                           This was a follow shot which was somewhat difficult
                                          especially since the dog is faster than me.
                                            This was an eye level shot which was pretty easy to 
                                            take especially since my dog is a good listener.


  1. 1) I enjoyed the low angle shot because it was well filmed and made me feel as if the dog was actually looking at me.
    2) I liked the low angle shot because it made me feel as if I was training the dog myself.
    3) The full shot looked well shot and also it almost made the dog look as if it were being punished.

  2. Your Eye level shot really shows the scale of your dog, also the close up puts the focus on your dog. The extreme close-up of your dog brings focus on your dog's pupil and during the shot, i also noticed the shininess of your dog's hair. Your follow shot really shows the speed of your dog and just how much faster it's moving than you.


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