
Showing posts from February, 2021

Blog Post Editing (1)

 In these two photos we see Luca struggling to edit our clips together in order to reach the time limit. Throughout the editing process, our main problem was regarding music and finding music that was not copyrighted that would also relatively fit our film. In the second picture you can see Luca conjoining our clips to make them seem more natural rather than plain transitions

Blog Post Filming (2)

Our second day of filming is when we got a majority of our shots. In the film I play the 'popular kid' that is recognized by everyone. In the film opening I am walking to detention, the lighting of the scene was good because we just needed the lighting from the hallway of the school. the scenes that we filmed will allow us to show the viewers the main character and what the movie is about but it doesn't give away any explicit details.

Blog Post Filming (1)

 In this picture Diego is filming our first scene in the opener involving Luca and I. In this picture Diego is trying to line up a shot that will include both sides of the hallway and shows Luca and I's first interaction in the opener.

Preparing To Film

   For the actors I will be portrayed as the popular kid who everyone likes, Luca as the loner who doesn't have any friends, and Mr. Chambers as the teacher who picks on the loner and eventually the cool kid. For costumes I will come in wearing clean fitted clothes, and Luca will wear a black hoodie with the hood over his head and some other beat up clothes. For now we will most likely not have props. This will take place in school in Mr. Chambers room, the hallways, and maybe in another classroom we are still discussing it. The dates and times will most likely be throughout the school year. We were planning on writing a vague script and also coming up with stuff as we go that way it seems more natural. The film equipment will be a phone.

Initial Storyboard
