
Showing posts from January, 2021

Movie Opener Brainstorming & Research

1. Rise      -  One part of the film opening which I really appreciated was the strategic use of short close-up shots in creative ways. These close ups show familiar aspects which revolve around the main themes of soccer and athleticism.     - I will definitely consider the use of close up shots throughout my group's comedy film to connect the audience with the main themes. 2. OFFLINE          -  The film opening began with a distinct typewriter-style introduction and title sequence. As this set the eerie mood, centered around cell phones and danger. The contrast between the shots of a calm girl browsing through her phone, and the distressed girl locked in a cage is what brought this opening to the next level, eliciting confusion and discomfort.     - Although our film isn't going to be dramatic, I appreciate the effective use of contrast in this film opening, and that is definitely what stood out to me the ...

My Film Opening Project

  My Opening Film Project  will be a   Horror  Comedy , produced with  Luca Galvez  and   Diego Garcia .

Semester Exam - Film Opening Analysis of Black Mirror (season3, episode 4, San Junipero)

     The clip from Black Mirror, San Junipero, is depicted as a bond between two strangers at a party. The first scene is compromised of non-diegetic sound from a river which I believe is used to signify something mysterious. The river is also starting to develop some unnatural lighting which seems to be originating from a city. After the river is shown the audience sees an establishing shot of a very large and bright city in the night. The opening scene then cuts to what seems to be a busy street full of old cars and the cover of a movie which came out in the late 1980's. Another signification that explains it is the 1980's was that when the car passed the main character, we hear over the radio that the song playing is one of the best hits of 1987. With this being said we can clearly describe the setting, a busy night in the 1980's. After the car full of people drives by we see the main character for the first time who appears to be somewhat shy walking by herself. ...

My Favorite Genre-Video
