
Showing posts from December, 2020

My Favorite Genre Powerpoint


Elements of Film

 Elements of Film

Film Viewing Practice Essay "Agent Carter"

Film Viewing Practice Essay "Agent Carter"          The scene opens with a flashback that is held between Peggy Carter and Captain America, in this scene Peggy believes that she lost Captain America forever which has a great toll on her after his death. The background music sets the tone of the opening scene; the dramatic orchestra music shows the dreadful moment that they share together. The eye level shots of both the characters allows us to see the emotion they hold in their faces and how emotional it is to say their last goodbyes. Next, the dolly shot is then used to slowly back away from Peggy crying, showing the emotional instability that she will have to go through. The next scene that gets introduces after the fade transition is placed in a business room. In this scene the audience can hear and see alarms going off in the room. This puts the audience in a confused state when what seems to be a professional...